Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Latest Obesseion

Lately I've been watching a show on Netflix that I've come to love! It makes me laugh my head off every time I watch it and I also get an interesting history lesson along with it, and if you know me, you know I despise history...but, they make it fun and interesting! I would love to work with these guys just get a good laugh here and there and learn a bit myself.

These 4 guys are just hysterical! They're real, mean, funny, and you can tell they love each other no matter how much they pick at one another. Especially Corey, he picks on Chumlee all the time, but Chum is a sweetheart and I can tell the guys love him, even though he's always the guinea pig when it comes to trying out weapons that come into the shop. 

If you don't know what I'm talking about then I'll just show you...

Left to right: Corey, Rick, Chumlee, The Old Man

I absolutely love this show!! It airs on the History Channel (you have to figure out the times yourself), so I suggest you give it a watch! It'll get your ribs ticklin' and you'll find out some really interesting facts about things that you've probably never even seen before. 

Watch a few episodes and I swear you'll be hooked like me!

Now back to my Netflix tab to finish the "Aw Shucks" episode :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Praying Through Every Moment

Summer is coming to an end for some, and some of us still have a few weeks of freedom left before the rush to Wal-Mart to get all the supplies the teachers/professors want us to have for their class. All I see at that point is money flying out the door, but for a good cause.

[side note] Have you guys been keeping up with the recent news about Memphis City Schools? It's sad and I ask that you keep the children, their families, and the teachers in your prayers. School for those teachers and children has been postponed indefinitely until they figure out the budget. Being an aspiring teacher myself, this is sad, it is....Please, as you lay your head down tonight, pray that a door opens for MCS (Memphis City Schools).

Keep you chin up, that's all you can do, and bear those bad days with a smile on your face, no matter how bad the day is...you can make it through. :) God has you in his hand and is there for you when you're struggling and when you're rejoicing. It's taken me a lot of time to figure that out for myself...I've been struggling with a lot lately, and it's not like I'm stressed out with loads of homework or tons of things going on at the office...nope...I'm struggling a lot with personal issues of my own.

Like many people out there, I struggle with my weight, and I have all my life, and I'm really trying to take charge over it now that I've hit the age of 20 and getting close to going into the working field. I've joined a TaeKwonDo class, I've started working out daily, drinking nothing but water, milk, & Gatorade. I'm also keeping track of my calories on this nifty app on my iPhone...BUT I've forgotten one of the most important things a person can do when they're trying to achieve a goal.....

I haven't been praying about it. Plain and simple as the nose on my face.

I make excuses to myself as to why I don't pray...
~My favorite show is on
~I'm too tired
~I'd rather read this book

None of them...NONE are valid excuses for why I shouldn't pray. I know that God does miraculous things, I know He will provide...but I've become so caught up in everyday life that I forget to do the one thing He's asked us to, and that is, to worship Him. I feel ashamed, but I had to admit it to myself, and to you, dear readers.

So, along with my goal of losing weight, I have a goal to pray everyday. There is no time limit to how much I'll pray, I just know that I want to be happy again, and I know that the only way I can get to that point is if I pray and keep His word fresh in my heart. 

I want to thank my friend and fellow classmate, Nicole, for her inspiring blog and she doesn't know this, but every blog she has writeen cheers me up on a bad day. I think you should check her out. She's pretty awesome :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My "Wild" Weekend

I'm trying to think of the best way to put this. My cousin and I were accused of something pretty harsh and out of the blue.

Just trying to write that sentence took a few deletes and me making weird looks because I couldn't think of how to put it in a good way, but I guess that's the best way. 

 A few weekends ago, my cousin and I had a girls weekend. We had the house all to ourselves and we made plans to:

1. dye our hair
2. at home mani's and pedi's
3. listen to music & just relax

We accomplished our plans, but with a few bumps along the way. TOO many if you ask me!

 We did our hair :) I put some blue streaks in...they didn't come out the way we planned :(

 My cousin made frappachino's (sp?) they were DELICIOUS!

We also cleaned poop off of a cat's butt, but I don't think my cousin would want me to put that pic up here...haha, it was gross!

While just trying to enjoy some girl time and talk about boys (we love them and we think they're stupid at the same time...girls, I know you agree!) Some people kept interrupting our time together. All these chitlins would come knockin' on the door asking for food and would just sit in the kitchen till we made them something (well, till Kat made them something) or we kicked them out....they were like lil parasites...entertaining and annoying at the same time. I'm surprised we even got the things on our list done!

All in all, we had a decent girls weekend when the chitlins were out of the picture...BUT, apparently we did something we had no idea about....this is where it gets good...trust me.

This was an accusation from a lady, who I believe, is a bit nuts...she wasn't even in town when me and my cousin had our girls night. She said she has an eye witness that saw it all happen. Here's what she said went down...
Apparently, me and my cousin had this wild party where we got really drunk intoxicated and we smoked pot did drugs and did some very nasty thing with her son.

When I heard this story, I couldn't believe it...it was too wild, made me infuriated that's for sure because the woman has only seen me about 2 times...cuz we all know I'm a big partier..oh yeah...not. It was crazy...she messed with the wrong family, that's for sure. Let's just say we dealt with that problem. :) We won't have to deal with her anymore, THANK GOODNESS!!

Now me and my cousin joke about it and our parents call us names, but what that lady did was just down right wrong and hurtful. I hope none of you guys are that nuts, if you are, I will pray for you.

I thought y'all would enjoy a story for some down time :)

You ever been accused of something that you definitely know didn't happen?? What's your story? 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Snail Mail

You know how exciting it was when you were younger, to get a letter in the mail?? (yes, we are that old, don't deny it) Well, now that snail mail has been outdated and is now used by all those awful bill collectors and anyone else who sends junk mail, you don't really look forward to it anymore, do you?

I know I don't, if you do, then, I'm proud of you? I personally don't know how to react if you enjoy getting bills in the mail....weirdo. (if it's actual letters from friends, then you're not a weirdo, don't worry)

Lately, my version of Snail Mail is e-mail. One of my friends joined the navy after he graduated high school and since he's now been sent off, he can't use his phone and text (we've become too dependent on instant gratification anyway) so he e-mails everyone. He's been a good friend of mine for a while, and I still get mad at myself that I never wrote him while he was at Basic...I know, I'm a horrible friend...don't hate me too much, I'm just REALLY forgetful.

I like e-mail better anyway. TOO many things get lost in the mail these days. Especially if you change your address and they KEEP sending your stuff to the old address...makes you wanna hurt someone!! I won't hurt anyone, I'm just saying.

 Sometimes I think the mail men take the 'snail' part of 'snail mail' literally. You know who you are.

So, now, instead of waiting for the mail man to get to the mail box with a letter, I check my inbox or wait for an e-mail notification on my phone from him. It's kind of like having a pen pal in a way...except..I've actually met him before and we've known each other since high school...eh, it's still like a pen pal.

Friday, June 10, 2011

My Apologies

I know it's been quite a while since I've last spoken to you...there has been A LOT going on lately! (ok, well technically I haven't been busy for about a month now, so, alright, I admit it, I'm lazy so sue me!)

Since the semester has ended there really hasn't been much to do...so I've finally gotten around to posting again. I might actually be more entertaining this summer, seeing as I'M GOING ON A ROAD TRIP WITH MY COUSIN NEXT WEEKEND! Yeah, I'm a bit excited :) I've never gotten to do the whole road trip thing...so it's a great feeling!! (I lied...I have been on a few road trips, but this is the first one with my cousin!)

To add to the excitement of a road trip next weekend...this weekend I'm doing something some people would say is a bit extreme...BUT I'm doing it anyway! That''s right, you guessed it (even though you probably didn't), I'm dying my hair blonde and getting blue streaks in it!! Don't judge me...you know you'd do it too if you could!

Alright, so I've been avoiding a subject, we need to get down to business...a sticky note on my computer constantly reminds of what I've left unfinished. Apparently I'm not good with finishing challenges where I'm not really "challenged" to actually do said task....I think you get where I'm going with this...yup, I still STILL  haven't finished the 30 day photo challenge...sad, I know :(

To make it up to you, I shall start where I left off...are you ready??

DAY 13:
A picture of your favorite band/artist

 How can I pick just one?!?! I'm sorry, I just can't do that...main reason being is that I have no idea who my favorite band/artist is. It all varies on my mood...so don't get mad, but I can't just choose ONE out of the MANY awesome artists!! It's madness! 

Am I right?? With some people I guess you're able to pick, but with my awful decision making skills, I can't pick just one artist...I like way too many! My friend, Lindsey, actually just told me that I listen to "yell-y" music...which, yes, I do...but I also listen to classical...my music range is wide. I will not just choose one.

What are you up to this summer?? Any road trips/adventures of your own?? Shoot me a comment and tell me what you're  up to!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Love...love is a strong word when it comes to some things...like relationships with your significant other, family ties, friendships and what not.

What do I love?
hmmm...lets see...*counts on fingers*
my family
my boyfriend
all my friends
music (could seriously rock out all day)
watching tv (not sure what I would do without it, sad I know)
reading (depending on the book...on the Harry Potter series now)
coloring/drawing (creative by nature my mother tells me)

So, that's a lot of things that I love...and yes, I love all of them, just not equally...

Can you guess what today's photo challenge is?? If not...please do NOT become a detective.

Picture of something you love.

(fits huh? it's a valentines day cake I made for a roommate)
I love baking....like LOVE baking! It's my creative outlet and it's just so much fun to express myself through the cakes that I make and decorate. I know, I'm not Buddy from Cake Boss, or Duff from Ace of Cakes, but I aspire to be part of that crew one day. It's a dream that found me and I want to hold onto that dream and pursue it as much as I can!

What is it that you love?? 

If it's baking, I would love the help!! I have a wedding shower coming up that I'm making the cake for and I get to make my first ever gum paste flowers!! I'm sooo excited!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Dislike Button PUH-LEASE!


*still thinking*

don't rush me *still thinking*

What I absolutely hate dislike the most is, I would have to say is...well, you'll see in the picture below...

Picture of something you hate dislike. (hate is such a strong word)

I hate being bored...with a passion. I get fidgety and start thinking, in turn, making myself depressed. So, I always try to occupy my time with something. I color, I watch tv, I sleep, I do whatever I can to keep away from boredom..but alas, it finds me at times...and I always wish I could just kick it's butt to make it go away. Sadly, boredom has no butt, therefore, it cannot be kicked. Sad day.

What do dislike more than anything else??

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Can We Say C-R-A-Z-Y?

So this is about the person I do the most crazy things with. If you know me, personally, I stay home a lot, but there are times I can get crazy...and I usually get that way with more than one person around. So, I'm breaking the rule on this one. I'm going to make this about the PEOPLE *gasp* that I do the most crazy things with.

I'm a big rule breaker, I know...aren't you proud?? Before I show you the picture and description, you should know this lil tidbit about me: I recently took this neat photo personality thing that I found on StumbleUpon and thought it was interesting and that it actually captures who I am...
  • 29% sociable, adventurous, outgoing, energetic
  • 75% sympathetic, modest, compliant, forgiving
  • 38% efficient, organized, thorough, self-disciplined
  • 58% curious, unconventional, imaginative, artistic
What do you think? (if you don't personally know me, you don't have to reply to that, but it's weird how I think this really does capture me, at least a lil bit) Am I being conceded? 

Ok, so on to the photo part!!

Picture of the people who you do the craziest things with. (okay, so breaking two rules, this is more than just one picture....who said I wasn't a rule-breaker?)

I think the pictures pretty much sum up how strange we all are...yeah, mostly me, but still. I love these people!

Who do you do your craziest things with??

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Through Thick & Thin....literally...

I'm so bad horrible at keeping up with posts...It's sad I know. I guess some days I'm just not in a blogging mood even though the computer is sitting right there in front of me. I'm so lazy.

So, here is Day 9...finally...I swear I've got to keep it up with getting you these posts daily and not so spread out as they have been lately. (blame school and my laziness)

Picture of someone who has gotten you through the most. 

(it was recently her birthday, so I used a photo from her last birthday)
This my dearies, would be my mommy, Regina!! She's been there since my first day on Earth and has brought me through some hard times and has enjoyed the good times with me. I love her to death and I couldn't imagine my life without her. I wouldn't be the woman I am now if it wasn't for her. Love you mom! 

Mom, myself, cousin Katie, and aunt Barbara are going on a ROAD TRIP to NOLA next weekend and I'm so...so...excited!! I've never really been on a road trip before, well ok, that was a lie. I forgot about the road trip I traveled with a friend of mine to Conway, AR to see another friend at Hendrix. Anyway, I digress...where was I? Oh, yes...ROAD TRIP TO NOLA!! Sorry, just a little really excited. There will def be a post about that weekend! Just so you know, be prepared for AWESOMENESS. Now, I'm just getting a little carried away...sorry...I'll work on that. :) Have a great day!!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Today has been one of those "I'm so tired I can barely open my eyes, don't wanna go to school, just want to sleep until I feel like functioning" kind of days. And the day hasn't even finished for me yet....*stares blankly*....my day won't end until around 9pm tonight. Yeah, not too thrilled, but I love my office and the people I work with, so it's completely worth it.

Speaking of work...I want to thank Faye for giving me a very nice compliment on my coloring yesterday.....Thanks Faye!!! I was relieving some stress by coloring in my Spongebob Squarepants coloring book that my friend, Lindsey, got me for my birthday last year (along with the crayons). You're never to old to color...just saying.

It's now time for:
(insert announcer's voice over here)
THE 30 DAY PHOTO CHALLENGE...CHALLENGE...challenge...challenge....challenge...

A picture that makes you laugh

So, me and my friends went to the Memphis Zoo for Lindsey's 20th birthday celebration (gah it was frickin' hot that day too) and when we came to the giraffes, I saw this...

*giggles* this cracks me up EVERY time I look at it. That giraffe was mighty hungry...he didn't want the grass that was easy to reach...noooo...he wanted the special rock covered grass. 

He was one determined giraffe that's for sure. You ever need/want something so bad that you'd go to any length (within reason) to obtain it? I guess it depends on what it is and so on and so forth. Anyway, you know what I mean. 

So tomorrow....I'll update with day 9 and give you a run-around on what I get to/or have already done for the day!! It should be fun...got a booked day, but that only includes one class...all the rest is for fun...well...besides paying for rent...everything else is going to be AMAZING!


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Guess Who's Back....Back Again

Hey everybody!

Sorry I've been distant for the last couple of weeks. I got caught up in the awesomeness of life heap of school work that stared me in the face till I couldn't take it any longer.
Is that a good enough apology for you? Hope so, because that's all you're getting from me at this moment.

If you can't tell, it's been a hard couple of weeks, but now I'm at a point where I can relax...well...for now at least. Let's make it worth it shall we?

I'm going to pick up where I left off with the 3O DAY PHOTO CHALLENGE...so, where were we.....AH yes, we're now at:

A picture of your most treasured item.

I know this is a bit generic, but I take my blackberry everywhere I go. I feel naked abandoned when I forget it don't have it with me. It's really sad how important this phone is for me, but hey, this IS the 21st century. 

I am hoping one day my phone companion will soon become an iPhone...but that's going to have to wait until my financial situation becomes smoother.

Well, that's all I have to say for the day! What's your most treasured item??? 


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Walking In Their Shoes For a Day

So, today is day numero 6 of the 30 day challenge. I'm not sure what photo I should use today...today's challenge is more challenging (ha, get it, haha) than usual. Today's challenge is....are you ready for it??

A picture of someone you would like to trade places with for the day.

Sandra Bullock is who I would love to trade places with for the day. Not for the reason to be a movie star, but to know what it's like to have the strength that this woman has. She's gone through so much and she's been the strongest she can and she hasn't been bitter about it (at least not to the tabloids) and it's amazing. This woman is truly an inspiration to me. I would love to be able to have the strength that she does.

It took me a while to figure this one out. Granted I did look toward the celebrity side of people (that's just because I don't get out much), but I've always loved her in her films and after what her ex (he who shall not be named) did what he did, she dealt with it the best she could and better than most that go through the exact same thing. That's the reason I chose to be her for a day. I would love to have that strength (and yes, it would be awesome to be a movie star for a day as well).

Aside from the challenge...today was pretty spectacular! I got to get out of O-town for a while and hung out with one my friends and her mom for the day up in Collierville at The Avenue. It was awesome! The first shop we stopped at was Sephora. I got some awesome GLEE themed nail polish (it's called slushied, and it's the color of the slushies they always get showered with). 

It's awesome!! I went ahead and painted my nails once I got home and I really like LOVE it!! We stopped at many other stores, but this was my only purchase for the day. One more exciting thing that we did today was that we went to Red Robin (yum). I can now completely agree with the commercials, I really did say yum after biting into that delicious moist and big burger. *drools* It was absolutely delicious. That's my tale for the day! Hope everyone is enjoying their Spring Break!! 

What did you do that was exciting for you today? 

As always,

Monday, March 14, 2011

Being Sick is No Fun

Who likes going to the doctor?
*no one raises hands*
me: Uh, huh, I knew it.

I personally do not thoroughly enjoy sitting in a waiting room for over an hour, then sent back to a room for about 30 minutes before the doctor comes in for his 5 minutes and then your out. Not a fan. I had to go through that whole experience today thanks to the fact that I'm sick and on Spring Break...what luck! Maybe I'll actually get all the studying that I need to get done while I recover this week. I would love to be out and on the beach or at a resort or even just road trip with the girls, but no. I start my Spring Break off with a BANG by having a sinus infection and it being nice and rainy!

On a more positive note, today we continue the 30 day photo challenge! Get excited!! Because today is...

A picture of your favorite memory

The day I welcomed Max into the family!! I love him so much and he's been a great dog ever since I brought him home that thanksgiving week freshman year of college. Ignore the black eye, had a flag accident right before the break. 

I hope everyone has started their spring off in a more pleasant way than I have. I also hope that you all stay in good health over the break, and hopefully I'll be well enough soon to enjoy what's left before heading back to class next Monday. Have fun!! 


Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Big Two Zero

So, I'm going to be a little selfish and show you all what a great AWESOME birthday I've had this year!! Mostly through pictures...hope you like them!!

Birthday Happenings!!

Mom & dad got me a Paula Dean Cookware set and an Ice cream scoop!

I got to go to dinner at Kabuki with my sweetie and my friend from SC and his gf! I got an awesome looking drink that was fruity and was bubbling (it was non-alcoholic, trust me)! 

I also got to spend some time with the girls after an AMAZING dinner dad cooked up (steaks, baked potatoes, asparagus, green bean casserole, creamed corn, and baked beans)!! 

I'm a lucky girl, and I had a great birthday! I can't wait for the years that await me as I continue to grow and learn even more each year. I hope that all of you that have had your birthday this year, or have one that's coming up have a GREAT one and enjoy it as much as I enjoyed mine!! 


Bad Memory! Sorries!!

So sorry I forgot to post yesterday. I have a horrible memory and it didn't hit me that I hadn't posted today until it was past midnight. The day flew by so quickly that I completely lost track of time!! I'll make it up to you though, this is the first of TWO posts tonight! I hope you enjoy!! :) 

Ok, so let's get this show on the road

A picture of your night. 

Going out to dinner with my sweetie and my buddy that came down from Charleston, SC (not pictured). I had a great time getting sung to...twice...it was a lot of fun!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Photo Challenge (cont.)

Hello hello everyone! My spring break officially started today!! It's been good so far, had a great dinner (20th Bday montage is coming soon, tells more about birthday) and it's been a great 1st day of spring break for me.

Ok, so on to the main reason for this post...

A picture of the cast from your favorite show.

Absolutely LOVE this show! It's the only show where I can actually stand looking at all the blood and bones and nastiness that is the internal organs we have.

Enjoy your Spring Break!! 


Thursday, March 10, 2011

No Longer A Teenager

Today I crossed the boundary from teenager to full on adult...that's right...you guessed it...I'm now as old as the hills...I'm finally....

*dramatic voice* I'm so old...all those teenage years...gone...long gone...what ever will I do?!?!

I know, I'm being very dramatic (hint why I put dramatic voice, just thought you should know), but it's so weird to say that I'm 20 and that I'm no longer 19...it's going to take a while to get use to and by the time I've gotten use to saying it, it'll be my birthday again. I swear, the years are starting to move waaayyy too fast if you ask me.

I haven't really "celebrated" yet, thanks to school and work, BUT I do get to celebrate this weekend and I have the whole Spring Break to laze away, so it works.

Now, on to what I started yesterday (click here to see day one):


A picture of you and the person you've been closest with the longest.

My mommy!! She's my best friend and I don't know how I could live a day without her to steer me right...Love you mom!!! :) 

That's all I have for the day, there will be more to come as my birthday weekend continues! 


Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So, we all know, most people love taking pictures, or love pictures being taken of them.

I have to admit, I am the type of person who loves both...so, this is what has inspired my post....

THE 30 DAY PHOTO CHALLENGE (dun...dun....dunnnnn) 

A lot of my friends on FB have been doing this and I've been considering it, so here goes!! 

A picture of yourself and 10 factoids

1. My name is Krista Nicole Jordan.
2. I have some awesome parents and a sweet lil brother.
3. I love my boyfriend...he's amazing. :) 
4. I'm an Elementary Education major @ Ole Miss.
5.. I love to bake and decorate cakes!
6. I have a doggie named Max, who isn't always the nicest to everyone.
7. I was born in Florida, but I've only known Mississippi to be my home.
8. I've played the flute since I was in 6th grade (now currently in the Ole Miss Band). 
9. I love chocolate....like...no kidding...ask any of my friends.
10. God is my favorite man. (no offense to dad & bf)

The next 30 29 days, I'll be doing the challenge and hopefully you'll be enthralled and find some of the posts funny/interesting. Hope you enjoy it! I know it'll be fun for me to do...it'll help me get outta the funk of school work.
*crowd boos* 
me: exactly.

For all of you out there that have SPRING BREAK (woooo...yeah!! *fist pump*) coming up, be safe, have fun (not too much fun), and enjoy your break from all the monotony! 


Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Coffee Addiction

Step one is admitting the problem.
My problem is that I like LOVE coffee! There, step one, complete. Honestly that's the only step I'm aware of. I know there are many more, but I personally don't want to give up my coffee habit. I love coffee and it helps me wake up when I'm tired and keeps me from falling asleep in class (which I do quite often).

Do I need an intervention?
Maybe I do..I'm not sure. I do spend quite a lot of my money on a tall (sometimes grande) White Chocolate Mocha/House coffee every Tuesday/Thursday. It's just so darn good! I can't resist!

 I blame Starbucks.

I also blame my cousin for this addiction, she's the one that got me hooked!

I still love her though!! And I don't think my coffee addiction will ever end. Maybe I'll start cutting down...maybe.

Do you have a strange addiction? If so, let me know! If you have a coffee addiction like me, we can help each other cut down (that is if you want to cut down, I know I should, but not sure I want to). But, that is all for now! 


Sunday, February 27, 2011


I just love the song "Saturday Night" by the Bay City Rollers! (that's the reason for the title, it fits) I had an awesome Saturday with my mom and my friends!! So, if you haven't guessed it already, I'm going to tell you about my Saturday.

I started of with a Jewelry party that was hosted by my roomie Carla. Sadly there weren't many people that showed up (me, my mom, and one of our roomies). Yeah, not the biggest crowd, BUT she made good sales, so it turned out better than it started off. I got myself a new watch, I can't wait to get it! Also, got my cousin a lil something to brighten her spirits :)

So, after the jewelry party, me and mom went SHOPPING!! I needed teacher clothes bad, so this shopping trip was a must. We went to one of my favorite clothing apparel stores ever....Old Navy :)

I was able to find some really cute shirts and cardigans while we were here. Great teacher clothes, should have hit the mall as well, but we spent a whole lot longer in there than we thought we were going to. Oh, while we were there mom got me an early birthday present...

IT'S AN AWESOME TRAVEL MUG THAT'S BPA FREEEE!! Yeah, I know, I'm just a little overly excited about it, but it's so cute! I'm using it on Monday for my lovely long education class. This might be the accessory you always see me with from now on. I love coffee by the way..if you haven't already figured that out.

We also went to Hobby Lobby and there were sales in every section of the store going on that day. Needless to say, mom got a lot of stuff for her photography business she's starting, I know she's going to go far with it! While we were walking through all the isles of that amazing store, mom stumbled upon something pretty awesome...

Thought it was cool because this is what I put at the end of each of my posts, and after seeing this, we saw MANY more.

We ended our awesome and successful shopping trip by driving into the sunset on our way back to Oxford.

That wasn't the end to my day though. Later that night, me and some of my girls went out dancing and we had a blast! Thanks to the loud music though, woke up with my ears ringing...not so much fun. All in all, my Saturday was pretty awesome to say the least. Hope y'all had an awesome weekend as well!

As always...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too...As Long As You Pay For It

In the fall of 2010, me and my roommate, Carla, started a tiny cake business. It all started when I offered to make my little brothers' friend's birthday cake for him...

I absolutely LOVE Spongebob, so this was exciting to make! Yeah, I know the writing at the bottom looks a little crummy (haha...crummy....get it?), but this was my first time really writing with icing.

After making that cake, it dawned on me that, this is what I want to do, this is my passion! So me and Carla made up a Facebook page ( Krista & Carla's Cakes ) that would help us get the word out. We've done pretty well, especially this month, we had 4 cake orders the first week of Feb! It was hectic, that's for sure, but it was so worth it in the end!

We do charge for our cakes when people order them, but trust me, these cakes are delicious and I'm always so envious of the people that order them and get to eat them....so jealous...I know, I have a sugar problem, but who doesn't (be honest)?

The lasted cake we embarked on was a Princess themed cake. Adorable right?

I thought it was just so darn precious!! It was our first big time sculptured type of cake, so it was quite difficult to get the fondant on (we make our own, it tastes better) but we accomplished it and it came out looking awesome!

Baking takes away the stress of a long school day. I do admit, that sometimes, it adds stress, but the end result is always worth it.

What's you're favorite thing to do that calms your nerves after a long stressful day? If you like to bake and decorate...we could become great friends :)


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Little About A Little Dog...

This morning when I woke up, I had a small surprise. My little dog Max was cuddled on my side, looking at me as I opened my eyes b/c of the wonderful alarm going off at 6am.

I dislike waking up so early, but it's the price I pay for having 8am classes on 4 out of 5 days.

It was so cute to see him awake and excited to go on his daily morning walk...I'm glad he likes it, but I sure don't enjoy walking out into the cold and windy dark morning with my pj's and a jacket on...but when he's got to go...he's GOT to go. That sweet little booger.

He's precious, but he's not always the nicest to new people, so I'm giving you a warning now...be careful if you come visit, it'll take him some time to get use to you. He still barks at one of my roommates every time she's around, and we've been living in the same apartment now since August of 2010. He's strange, I know.

Since this is/was my first time blogging, I promise to post more interesting things in the future. This was all I could think about at the moment. If you have any pointers/ideas on posts...leave me a comment!
