Friday, June 10, 2011

My Apologies

I know it's been quite a while since I've last spoken to you...there has been A LOT going on lately! (ok, well technically I haven't been busy for about a month now, so, alright, I admit it, I'm lazy so sue me!)

Since the semester has ended there really hasn't been much to I've finally gotten around to posting again. I might actually be more entertaining this summer, seeing as I'M GOING ON A ROAD TRIP WITH MY COUSIN NEXT WEEKEND! Yeah, I'm a bit excited :) I've never gotten to do the whole road trip it's a great feeling!! (I lied...I have been on a few road trips, but this is the first one with my cousin!)

To add to the excitement of a road trip next weekend...this weekend I'm doing something some people would say is a bit extreme...BUT I'm doing it anyway! That''s right, you guessed it (even though you probably didn't), I'm dying my hair blonde and getting blue streaks in it!! Don't judge know you'd do it too if you could!

Alright, so I've been avoiding a subject, we need to get down to business...a sticky note on my computer constantly reminds of what I've left unfinished. Apparently I'm not good with finishing challenges where I'm not really "challenged" to actually do said task....I think you get where I'm going with this...yup, I still STILL  haven't finished the 30 day photo challenge...sad, I know :(

To make it up to you, I shall start where I left off...are you ready??

DAY 13:
A picture of your favorite band/artist

 How can I pick just one?!?! I'm sorry, I just can't do that...main reason being is that I have no idea who my favorite band/artist is. It all varies on my don't get mad, but I can't just choose ONE out of the MANY awesome artists!! It's madness! 

Am I right?? With some people I guess you're able to pick, but with my awful decision making skills, I can't pick just one artist...I like way too many! My friend, Lindsey, actually just told me that I listen to "yell-y" music...which, yes, I do...but I also listen to music range is wide. I will not just choose one.

What are you up to this summer?? Any road trips/adventures of your own?? Shoot me a comment and tell me what you're  up to!

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