Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Amore is a strong word when it comes to some relationships with your significant other, family ties, friendships and what not.

What do I love?
hmmm...lets see...*counts on fingers*
my family
my boyfriend
all my friends
music (could seriously rock out all day)
watching tv (not sure what I would do without it, sad I know)
reading (depending on the book...on the Harry Potter series now)
coloring/drawing (creative by nature my mother tells me)

So, that's a lot of things that I love...and yes, I love all of them, just not equally...

Can you guess what today's photo challenge is?? If not...please do NOT become a detective.

Picture of something you love.

(fits huh? it's a valentines day cake I made for a roommate)
I love LOVE baking! It's my creative outlet and it's just so much fun to express myself through the cakes that I make and decorate. I know, I'm not Buddy from Cake Boss, or Duff from Ace of Cakes, but I aspire to be part of that crew one day. It's a dream that found me and I want to hold onto that dream and pursue it as much as I can!

What is it that you love?? 

If it's baking, I would love the help!! I have a wedding shower coming up that I'm making the cake for and I get to make my first ever gum paste flowers!! I'm sooo excited!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Dislike Button PUH-LEASE!


*still thinking*

don't rush me *still thinking*

What I absolutely hate dislike the most is, I would have to say is...well, you'll see in the picture below...

Picture of something you hate dislike. (hate is such a strong word)

I hate being bored...with a passion. I get fidgety and start thinking, in turn, making myself depressed. So, I always try to occupy my time with something. I color, I watch tv, I sleep, I do whatever I can to keep away from boredom..but alas, it finds me at times...and I always wish I could just kick it's butt to make it go away. Sadly, boredom has no butt, therefore, it cannot be kicked. Sad day.

What do dislike more than anything else??

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Can We Say C-R-A-Z-Y?

So this is about the person I do the most crazy things with. If you know me, personally, I stay home a lot, but there are times I can get crazy...and I usually get that way with more than one person around. So, I'm breaking the rule on this one. I'm going to make this about the PEOPLE *gasp* that I do the most crazy things with.

I'm a big rule breaker, I know...aren't you proud?? Before I show you the picture and description, you should know this lil tidbit about me: I recently took this neat photo personality thing that I found on StumbleUpon and thought it was interesting and that it actually captures who I am...
  • 29% sociable, adventurous, outgoing, energetic
  • 75% sympathetic, modest, compliant, forgiving
  • 38% efficient, organized, thorough, self-disciplined
  • 58% curious, unconventional, imaginative, artistic
What do you think? (if you don't personally know me, you don't have to reply to that, but it's weird how I think this really does capture me, at least a lil bit) Am I being conceded? 

Ok, so on to the photo part!!

Picture of the people who you do the craziest things with. (okay, so breaking two rules, this is more than just one picture....who said I wasn't a rule-breaker?)

I think the pictures pretty much sum up how strange we all are...yeah, mostly me, but still. I love these people!

Who do you do your craziest things with??

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Through Thick & Thin....literally...

I'm so bad horrible at keeping up with posts...It's sad I know. I guess some days I'm just not in a blogging mood even though the computer is sitting right there in front of me. I'm so lazy.

So, here is Day 9...finally...I swear I've got to keep it up with getting you these posts daily and not so spread out as they have been lately. (blame school and my laziness)

Picture of someone who has gotten you through the most. 

(it was recently her birthday, so I used a photo from her last birthday)
This my dearies, would be my mommy, Regina!! She's been there since my first day on Earth and has brought me through some hard times and has enjoyed the good times with me. I love her to death and I couldn't imagine my life without her. I wouldn't be the woman I am now if it wasn't for her. Love you mom! 

Mom, myself, cousin Katie, and aunt Barbara are going on a ROAD TRIP to NOLA next weekend and I'm!! I've never really been on a road trip before, well ok, that was a lie. I forgot about the road trip I traveled with a friend of mine to Conway, AR to see another friend at Hendrix. Anyway, I digress...where was I? Oh, yes...ROAD TRIP TO NOLA!! Sorry, just a little really excited. There will def be a post about that weekend! Just so you know, be prepared for AWESOMENESS. Now, I'm just getting a little carried away...sorry...I'll work on that. :) Have a great day!!!