Don't tell a soul, but I'm doing that very thing at this very moment.
I know, bad me :( but I can't get motivated to do any of my work, but it NEEDS to get done otherwise I'll want to pull my hair out tomorrow. Now we don't want that do we? (No, we do not)
Also, I mean, this is my latest post since last year! Talk about a bad blogger. (Don't hate me) I just don't have the time during these semesters of the oh so wonderful college life.
I mean, I'll give myself some credit for being a good student because yesterday I got all of my work + some done yesterday. I deserve an award. I'm just saying ;)
Hopefully I'll be able to make more blogs in the future, ones of ya know, actual entertainment/cool ideas/exciting plans.....well...something like that anyway!
Well, if you're doing what I'm doing right now...STOP IT! YOU GET YOUR WORK DONE NOW! I'm going to try my hardest!!
You hear me kids? Never procrastinate! It doesn't do you any good and just stresses you out in the end and then your sleeping schedule is off and it's all downhill from there. You'll really learn once you get to college, these professors don't kid around. They mean bizzniss!
Hope everyone had an awesome spring break and hope that you aren't putting your work off and being a responsible (insert occupation here)!!
Hopefully I'll be seeing more of you lovely people in the future!
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