[side note] Have you guys been keeping up with the recent news about Memphis City Schools? It's sad and I ask that you keep the children, their families, and the teachers in your prayers. School for those teachers and children has been postponed indefinitely until they figure out the budget. Being an aspiring teacher myself, this is sad, it is....Please, as you lay your head down tonight, pray that a door opens for MCS (Memphis City Schools).
Keep you chin up, that's all you can do, and bear those bad days with a smile on your face, no matter how bad the day is...you can make it through. :) God has you in his hand and is there for you when you're struggling and when you're rejoicing. It's taken me a lot of time to figure that out for myself...I've been struggling with a lot lately, and it's not like I'm stressed out with loads of homework or tons of things going on at the office...nope...I'm struggling a lot with personal issues of my own.
Like many people out there, I struggle with my weight, and I have all my life, and I'm really trying to take charge over it now that I've hit the age of 20 and getting close to going into the working field. I've joined a TaeKwonDo class, I've started working out daily, drinking nothing but water, milk, & Gatorade. I'm also keeping track of my calories on this nifty app on my iPhone...BUT I've forgotten one of the most important things a person can do when they're trying to achieve a goal.....
I haven't been praying about it. Plain and simple as the nose on my face.
I make excuses to myself as to why I don't pray...
~My favorite show is on
~I'm too tired
~I'd rather read this book
None of them...NONE are valid excuses for why I shouldn't pray. I know that God does miraculous things, I know He will provide...but I've become so caught up in everyday life that I forget to do the one thing He's asked us to, and that is, to worship Him. I feel ashamed, but I had to admit it to myself, and to you, dear readers.
So, along with my goal of losing weight, I have a goal to pray everyday. There is no time limit to how much I'll pray, I just know that I want to be happy again, and I know that the only way I can get to that point is if I pray and keep His word fresh in my heart.
I want to thank my friend and fellow classmate, Nicole, for her inspiring blog and she doesn't know this, but every blog she has writeen cheers me up on a bad day. I think you should check her out. She's pretty awesome :)
You should follow Rachel's blog (racheldillard.blogspot.com). She's very inspirational and keeps me on my toes! Good luck with all of your goals!